Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Loss For Words...

I had another interview which went really really really well, .....inside my head that is.... I seemed to be at a loss for words during my interview at an amazing law firm.... I all of a sudden felt intimidated when I walked through those shiny doors.... I don't know what happened!!! Then when I walked into the founding partner's office and he was really young and really laid back I seemed to forget the reason I was there... The worst part was, the questions that he was asking me were not that difficult. Actually, they should not have been difficult at all because they were simple questions about ME.

I later reassured myself when thinking about my reason for my loss for words....IT really is hard to talk about yourself!!
Thank God I took my brother into the interview with me or the 45 minutes in that beautiful glass office overlooking Beverly Hills and the Hollywood sign would have seemed like years.... My first loss for words came when he said tell me about yourself and what you want to do...
My problem with this question:
1) I have always been indecisive
2) There are a lot of things I want to do.
3) (I want to work here)
4) There are so many ways to "tell you about myself" but for now (and for the past 4 months) the only thing that comes to mind to describe myself is [I have a JD and I am pending bar results].... I think, is that what I have turned into? What about my personality and my passion for life, traveling, family, amazing food, new music, discovering the unknown when I least expect it?

Well whatever came out of my mouth during those 45 minutes was a mix between mumbling an unknown language and slurring the English language to a point that I thought "t-t-today Junior!"
I left the interview feeling mad at myself until Jordan and I got in the car and I said "Do you think I did as bad in there as I think I did?"
That was followed by Jordan saying "Well Tiffy I am your biggest critic..."

Then I said... honestly... what did you think??? Which was then followed by hysterical laughter that lasted for the next two hours as we made our way back to San Diego.... both of us had tears streaming down our faces as we recapped how cool, collected and funny Jordan seemed and how when I talk, people get a sort of semi glazed look in their eyes.... I take it that they must be mesmerized with what I am saying and Jordan says they are fascinated with the interesting foreign sounding language that seems to flow from my mouth...

I waited a few days before writing a thank you letter and was pleasantly surprised with the response.... "Tiffany- It was a pleasure meeting you and your brother. Please keep me updated, and I will help you in any way I can. I also look forward to talking with you again next time you are here!!"

Lesson Learned...
1) Always bring Jordan with me
2) Just smile, slur and mumble if you do not know exactly how to answer the question... remember to keep smiling and through in an intense vocabulary word every once in awhile.
3) Always say thank you.


  1. call me...i got your solution...jordan should call too. miss you guys, hope all is well!

  2. Hmmm... We all know these things really happen when we least expect it. I remembered an interview which I screwed up. And, yeah. The quetions are simple. ^_^ The good thing is, we learned. Good luck!
