Wednesday, October 28, 2009


What I truly love about each and everyday is waking up to a whole new world of possibilities..... the hardest part of that is I am only aware of the possibilities that are as far as I can see, in my spectrum. Even if I push my mind to imagine possibilities I have never imagined before, I still can only see so far.....
So instead I have decided to push myself and YOU further and further into the unknown because the unknown could hold some little trinkets of surprises for you!!! There are so many people, groups and organizations doing so much for the evolution of the way we (and when I say we... I mean everyone ALL OVER THE WORLD) live, love, laugh and appreciate life.

For us in the USA we appreciate big open aired grocery stores, shopping malls, beautiful baseball fields with shining bright lights and hot dogs so fresh, you can almost taste them as you park your car.
But as all of us ordered cocktails, grilled our favorite grub and cheered on our favorite teams on the first night of the World Series 2009, people all over the world slept soundly under bamboo shade, or in handmade shacks, or right in our own backyards crowded together... all dreaming of the same thing... happiness...

I was blessed to have been a part of an AMAZING conference last year called Poptech! If you haven't heard of it check out where there were people from all over the world in Camden, Maine full of inspiration, ideas, love and knowledge and were eager to share.

Life is definitely about the places we go, people we meet and experiences we have.... but looking into the future, into the job search and into how I want to shape my journey... watching the Girl Effect Video ( (click on video and listen to music with it) just seems to put everything in perspective... and... it is well.... perfect.


  1. I love the blog and the guitar pic :) you look like an angel. Miss you baby!!!
