Wednesday, October 28, 2009


What I truly love about each and everyday is waking up to a whole new world of possibilities..... the hardest part of that is I am only aware of the possibilities that are as far as I can see, in my spectrum. Even if I push my mind to imagine possibilities I have never imagined before, I still can only see so far.....
So instead I have decided to push myself and YOU further and further into the unknown because the unknown could hold some little trinkets of surprises for you!!! There are so many people, groups and organizations doing so much for the evolution of the way we (and when I say we... I mean everyone ALL OVER THE WORLD) live, love, laugh and appreciate life.

For us in the USA we appreciate big open aired grocery stores, shopping malls, beautiful baseball fields with shining bright lights and hot dogs so fresh, you can almost taste them as you park your car.
But as all of us ordered cocktails, grilled our favorite grub and cheered on our favorite teams on the first night of the World Series 2009, people all over the world slept soundly under bamboo shade, or in handmade shacks, or right in our own backyards crowded together... all dreaming of the same thing... happiness...

I was blessed to have been a part of an AMAZING conference last year called Poptech! If you haven't heard of it check out where there were people from all over the world in Camden, Maine full of inspiration, ideas, love and knowledge and were eager to share.

Life is definitely about the places we go, people we meet and experiences we have.... but looking into the future, into the job search and into how I want to shape my journey... watching the Girl Effect Video ( (click on video and listen to music with it) just seems to put everything in perspective... and... it is well.... perfect.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Loss For Words...

I had another interview which went really really really well, .....inside my head that is.... I seemed to be at a loss for words during my interview at an amazing law firm.... I all of a sudden felt intimidated when I walked through those shiny doors.... I don't know what happened!!! Then when I walked into the founding partner's office and he was really young and really laid back I seemed to forget the reason I was there... The worst part was, the questions that he was asking me were not that difficult. Actually, they should not have been difficult at all because they were simple questions about ME.

I later reassured myself when thinking about my reason for my loss for words....IT really is hard to talk about yourself!!
Thank God I took my brother into the interview with me or the 45 minutes in that beautiful glass office overlooking Beverly Hills and the Hollywood sign would have seemed like years.... My first loss for words came when he said tell me about yourself and what you want to do...
My problem with this question:
1) I have always been indecisive
2) There are a lot of things I want to do.
3) (I want to work here)
4) There are so many ways to "tell you about myself" but for now (and for the past 4 months) the only thing that comes to mind to describe myself is [I have a JD and I am pending bar results].... I think, is that what I have turned into? What about my personality and my passion for life, traveling, family, amazing food, new music, discovering the unknown when I least expect it?

Well whatever came out of my mouth during those 45 minutes was a mix between mumbling an unknown language and slurring the English language to a point that I thought "t-t-today Junior!"
I left the interview feeling mad at myself until Jordan and I got in the car and I said "Do you think I did as bad in there as I think I did?"
That was followed by Jordan saying "Well Tiffy I am your biggest critic..."

Then I said... honestly... what did you think??? Which was then followed by hysterical laughter that lasted for the next two hours as we made our way back to San Diego.... both of us had tears streaming down our faces as we recapped how cool, collected and funny Jordan seemed and how when I talk, people get a sort of semi glazed look in their eyes.... I take it that they must be mesmerized with what I am saying and Jordan says they are fascinated with the interesting foreign sounding language that seems to flow from my mouth...

I waited a few days before writing a thank you letter and was pleasantly surprised with the response.... "Tiffany- It was a pleasure meeting you and your brother. Please keep me updated, and I will help you in any way I can. I also look forward to talking with you again next time you are here!!"

Lesson Learned...
1) Always bring Jordan with me
2) Just smile, slur and mumble if you do not know exactly how to answer the question... remember to keep smiling and through in an intense vocabulary word every once in awhile.
3) Always say thank you.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fresh Baked Bread and my Law School Foundation...

When I sat down with Evan at the new Rubicon Deli in Mission Beach, I admitted, "Evan I have never worked in a deli, but I have made thousands of sandwich's over the years for many loved ones." However, I am certain, that I know what makes a good sandwich and that is the process I discovered that is important.

Making sandwiches I realized, is much like my law school education. The foundation is the most important part. Just like the fresh baked bread Rubicon makes every single morning before opening. A world class sandwich needs to begin with amazing bread. Much like the foundation for my legal career, if I began building upon a shaky foundation the sandwich would crumble and fall apart. It took years of studying and preparing before embarking on law school. If I didn't have a rock solid foundation, I never would have been prepared for what was ahead.

Now as we all know, the first thing on that bread must always be the condiments. If you fail to put the mayo, mustard, spicy jalapeno spread or whatever your condiment of choice would be directly on the bread, adding the meat or vegetables next just wouldn't make sense. This is similar to not buying the book the entire semester and attempting to take the test after studying off someone else's outline in the final weeks of the semester. Although we often question the true meaning behind reading all of those cases in our case book, we actually need that smooth buffer (much like the mayo) in order to understand the concepts behind the law we are learning!!

Now, the good part, the meat and the cheese. This I would compare to the meat of law, and the material we learn that is actually going to be useful in practice. Now what happens when you get bad meat on your sandwich... or you thought that pepper jack sounded good with Roast Beef but it really doesn't go at all?? It throws you off!!! Your sandwich isn't what it should be. And isn't it better when you just get it right from the beginning? Much like law, if your research starts out on the wrong path, you end up backtracking, and even throwing it away and starting fresh. On one of those days when you are just too hungry to wait??!! You just eat it anyway, even if you know the quality could be much better.

Finally, the fresh veggies, oil and vinegar & spices are always key on that perfect sandwich. You know when you get to that point when you are just ready for it to be done already?? So you can eat!! That is the same patience it takes when you finish the body of a motion, however the motion will not be complete until you tie up all of the loose ends and get a signature on that? The eager anticipation of finally just turning that motion in or rather taking a bite of that sandwich already!!! Come on!!!

As you can see I am able to transition these same concepts I learned in LAW SCHOOL into the Deli!!! I knew law school prepared me for anything!!! I was ready to put on my apron and get to work!!

That is until Evan told me that actually, I would be working the front.... so I am thankful that I also have people skills, and of course somewhere along the line I have picked up a little knack for up selling :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Beauty School

Checking my email this evening... there was an email titled: Your Application to DePaul. I thought.. is this a joke!! Hmmmm... maybe I am being considered to start law school again!!! Then I thought, no this is a mistake!!! Upon opening it, the email was clearly not spam and had my full name address LSAC ID numbers. Wow!! Someone is attempting to use all my information to get into law school... good luck with that!!! I thought someone has stolen my identity... they are going to get into DePaul, graduate, and maybe even get an amazing job before I do!! Or maybe it was a sign for me... to go back to school!!! You know what the whole legal thing is not working out... maybe my calling is Beauty School.

This is what I envisioned.... I graduate from Beauty School open a salon, where clients come in, distraught and needing advice, and I not only help them solve their problems but while they are in my chair, give them a makeover... a whole new look so they leave feeling radiant and confident and ready to take on the world!!! In fact I would have a dream team ready so when my client walked out that door they were beaming!!

Before I could even finish my thoughts, DePaul sent me another email saying: "I am sorry Miss. Tiffany, there has actually been a mistake in out computer system. Your application is not being considered." Good!! Because I do not want to go to law school again..... giving me more time to work on my salon idea. I could name the different options after words I learned in law school, and am so eager to use in the real world.

Res Ipsa Loquitor could be the name for a Wash and Blow Dry.
Collateral Estoppel could be the name for partial highlights.
Just Tort could be the name for a fresh shave for a guy.
Consideration could mean Buzz Cut.
Finally, the name of my salon could be Hair Review (for those of us who were never on Law Review and would look great on my legal application for those future employers who just like to skim!)

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Where does your inspiration come from? It is an amazing feeling when someone or something inspires you, or when you inspire someone else. Inspiration could be waking up to puppy kisses, someone smiling at you when you've had a long day, or someone simply helping you on a project you just couldn't get done. Day by day as the job search continues, when given the opportunity to meet with different types of people, in all different types of careers, I am always searching for the same thing. Inspiration and to inspire others.

There are four little words that can fill your heart with joy. Somebody believes in you. That is what we all want, isn't it? When I have been lucky enough to get past that secretary, personal assistant or doberman like intern; when those golden doors have finally swung open, and I find myself seeking advice from a very impressive person, I always make sure I ask them TWO questions. These two questions come in a particular order and go something like this. The first is a simple question. The second has three parts, but the answers are always the same.

I ask: 1) Would you consider mentoring me? I could come into the office, observe you, be a part of something great just to see how things work in this "real world." The answer is always the same, "I would love to BUT.... I am just too busy right now."

I then ask them:
2) Did you have a mentor? How did you get your start? Who believed in you?

The look that comes across their face is usually one of fondness, with a slight smile and glassy eyes. When they talk about their mentor, their inspiration, they talk about them with excitement and awe as if it were just yesterday that someone believed in them. Someone gave them a chance, an opportunity to show their value and grow and have an opportunity to prosper. Someone that was there at their high points and low points and encouraged and enabled these people to become who they are.

I have never asked that question and had anyone say, "I didn't have a mentor, a friend, someone that believed in me and encouraged me." Why? Because we all need that person at sometime in our lives, often when we least expect it. And in turn, if that person could hold that value close and when they have the opportunity to step it up for someone, they do, they may not have the time, but they make the time.

Steven Spielberg brilliantly portrayed this message in his speech at the 66th Golden Globe Awards when he was honored with the Cecil B. DeMille Award. He said that his mentor told him, "I will always be there for you in success, but I will also always be there for you during the tough times. "

Imagine a world, where someone didn't believe in Steven Spielberg.